What is 3rd Party Insurance

What is 3rd Party Insurance

Choosing the right type of car insurance can feel like a mammoth task, with so many policies to think about, on top of finding one at the right price for you. You need to feel confident that you’re covered when heading out on the road, so before choosing your...


To All Our Lovely Customers Thank you for all your business this past year, your support of our small family business is very much appreciated. We wish you all a very Happy New Year and hope that 2020 is a fantastic year for you. Lots of love Paul & Roz...
It’s our 18th Birthday

It’s our 18th Birthday

It was the 10th September 2001 when the doors opened on a new little garage based in Hoylake, specialising in low insurance, economical cars. The 10th September 2001, the day before the horrific 9/11 disaster. “You picked a great time to open  a business,”...
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